Thursday 26 September 2013

Reiki Level 1 Benefits

What to Expect from Reiki level 1

If you have been following my Reiki blog, you may have read what is Reiki and how does is work. Today I am going to tell you the benefits of Reiki level 1. These benefits will unfold as you practice what you learn from your Reiki Master with dedication and consistency.

  1. The real benefit of doing Reiki level 1 is that you begin your journey of self discovery. If you have already walked some distance on the spiritual path you will accelerate your progress and experience miraculous results in all areas of life. So the first benefit is personal growth.
  2. The second benefit is you are now able to do self healing. This allows you to enjoy good health for the rest of your life by simply following the daily Reiki self treatment procedure.
  3. The third benefit is you have complete support of your Reiki Master who is your most important guide on the spiritual path and is always available to guide you. Your Reiki Master will tell you what to expect as you progress further, will tell you what are the major milestones on this path and will also alert you about the pitfalls. All this will help go to continue your progress endlessly.
  4. The fourth benefit is that now you are attuned to Reiki, The Universal Life Force Energy. You have direct access to unlimited supply of energy. You can 'turn on' Reiki and get more energy anytime you need it.
  5. The fifth benefit is that as you use Reiki hand positions to clean your chakras, you begin to experience more and more coincidences and miracles in different ares of life. The more your chakras get cleaned, energized and balanced the more miracles you will experience.
  6. The sixth benefit is that you can dissolve stress instantly with a few minutes of Reiki practice. When you dissolve the stress daily, which is the major contributor to most illnesses, there is no accumulation of stress in your body. You morning and evening Reiki practice and meditation makes you healthier and healthier in a holistic way.
  7. The seventh benefit is you can help your body in healing itself by giving Reiki energy to any body part that needs healing. We always advise to take medical help when necessary and at the same time practice Reiki for speedy recovery to good health.
  8. The eight benefit of Reiki is that it is relaxing. The moment you realize that you are tired you can do few minutes of Reiki and get back to work. This has an amazingly positive impact on your productivity. For this reason Reiki is making its way in the corporate world.
  9. Ninth benefit is that your emotions are under control. This has a positive impact in your relationships. You get along with people of different nature with ease and grace. You accomplish much more due to your positive thoughts and healthy relationships with people around you.

People who practice Reiki ongoing for years experience...

Better health and an overall sense of well being.

Reiki Level 1 Benefits

Would you like to share what benefits you got from your Reiki level 1 training?

I am sure that if you have already taken the Reiki level 1 training you might already be experiencing some of the things I have mentioned above and its possible that you have something more to share. In that case I invite you to share it in the comments.

What if there have been gaps in my Reiki Practice?

If its been a long time since you have done your Reiki level 1 course and if there have been gaps in your practice, it does not matter you can start practicing again and get the same benefits

Alternatively, you can do a refresher course if you really feel the need. Otherwise after restarting your daily practice you can proceed to Reiki level 2 training and progress further on path of happiness and freedom.

If you have not yet taken the Reiki level one training, I urge you to start your journey and start experiencing the above mentioned benefits as soon as possible. 

You can learn Reiki online in which care you will be given a distance attunement or you can learn Reiki in person in a small group or in individual one to one sessions. 

If you have a calling inside you to learn Reiki from me you can contact me on or call me on +91 9820850475. Reiki Energy will direct you to your Reiki Master.

About the Author: +Sachin Bangera

Sachin holds a Masters degree in Educational and Counseling Psychology. He is a certified Master Coach, Tarot Reader and a Reiki Master. He is committed to spreading Reiki and create health, wealth and happiness for everyone he comes in contact with. His mission is to spread Reiki to 1 million people each year through his blog, workshops and team of Reiki Teachers.

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