Tuesday 29 May 2018

Uses of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol

Uses of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Symbol in Reiki

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (HSZSN) is the third symbol attuned to the student by their Reiki Master in Reiki Level 2.  Also Known as 'Distant Healing Symbol' it is pronounced as 'Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.' 

Besides Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen there are 2 other symbols in the second degree of Reiki, namely Cho Ku Rei and Sei He Ki. The attunements given during Reiki Level 2, have more power and intensity hence, their use multiplies the healing capacities to tackle different situations expeditiously.

The meaning of  Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Let us understand what each word of Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen means. Hon means 'the source' or 'the beginning'. Sha means 'illuminating dazzling energy'. Ze means 'to walk in the right direction'. Sho means 'an honest goal' and Nen means 'developing a sense of tranquillity and stability to the subconscious mind.'

HSZSN establishes an alignment between the recipient and the source of energy that is being transmitted through the gap created in the atmosphere.

Where and how to use HSZSN symbol

  • Reiki can travel across time and space and with HSZSN distance is no barrier at all. You can send Reiki to your distant friends or relatives abroad, to nature, entire globe and even beyond.
  • Send Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to the past to heal your old wounds and give you strength to move on with life with a positive approach. 
  • If there had been an event in your past, which you wished could have been different, heal it with HSZSN symbol and you'll be surprised how it affects your present positively.
  • Similarly, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen can be sent to future will store Reiki energy so that you can use it when you actually need it in future. Eg. Sending Reiki before giving a talk will help you to be confident and tackle any unexpected questions easily.
  • There are no particular rules as to how exactly should you send or use distant Reiki. It works on your intention and visualization. Visualize the person being cured, visualize him/her being happy and pain-free.
  • I have used this Reiki symbol to improve couple relationships and got amazing success in more than 15 cases
  • You can send Reiki to many people at once during any natural calamity or unfortunate accident. For eg., those who have suffered an earthquake or even those who are traumatized with a bomb blast. You can randomly visualize people being comforted and receiving strength to bear the loss or pain and just focus on your intention to heal them.
  • It is believed that Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen also helps in karma healing and has a direct effect on Root chakra and Sacral chakra. 
  • It gives access to life records of the soul, 'Akashik records' and hence one can heal traumas of past lives as well.

Be open while sending distant Reiki healing as it works on the subtle body like on the chakras or aura of the person and works for the highest good. Have patience as the energies may take while to seep in the physical body.

Just by visualizing the Reiki symbols, the user immediately gets connected to this Universal Life force and all negativity is driven away.

There are infinite possibilities when using Reiki symbols, the only limit is your beliefs! When this mesmerizing energy is at work, the results are just astounding and magnificent and incredible.

If you have any questions or you want to join Reiki second degree training?

Please call or whatsapp me on 09820850475.

Sachin Bangera

Sachin is a Reiki Grand Master and Life Coach. He conducts Reiki courses on weekends. He has trained many students in the Master degree of Reiki. They are now together engaged in spreading Reiki in cities like Delhi, Dubai, Ahmedabad, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Nashik, Kolhapur, Nagpur, etc.

Friday 18 May 2018

Healing Fear with Reiki

Healing Fear with Reiki

Reiki is helpful for people who are having some kind of fear. It can be an irrational fear or a fear coming from a feeling that something bad is going to happen or something else.

It can be a fear which is persistent in life or a fear that gets triggered only in certain situations, like the fear of drowning when at the beach.

Reiki is a very effective in overcoming such fears. Sometime back, one student who came to learn Reiki had such a fear. This student had lost a very near and dear one in his family. 

Reiki for irrational Fear of death

After this event he started having a certain kind of fear that something bad is going happen to him. Wherever is goes, he has this fear that something bad will happen. It may be an accident or may be something bad will happen, he feared.

Even when he is watching television and if there is a scene in which somebody dies, again he will have this kind of irrational fear that something similar will happen to him.

He was deeply connected with the deceased family member. After 3-4 sessions he was feeling much better. He could walk without fear and the negative thoughts reduced considerably.  

Reiki healing for fear of getting married

One girl wanted to get married but had a fear of intimacy. During her Reiki 2 she discovered the source of the fear. It was some event in her childhood where her parents had a big fight. She made some conclusions as a child about marital relationships, which stopped her from getting married.

She was also feeling the fear in the Manipur chakra. I did Reiki healing for about 25 minutes and she could feel the fear dissolving and finally it was gone.

Reiki healing for fear of abandonment

One person wanted Reiki healing for fear of abandonment. During the session she could identify that this fear came from an early childhood experience.

Her parents got separated and she was admitted to a boarding school by her mother. Her mother had to take care of her child and also work for her own survival. But as a child she felt abandoned.

It took several weeks of healing and counseling for the pattern to release. Once a week she would join me for a 1 hour healing session. She was not in a state of mind to learn Reiki so continued with the weekly healing session as she could feel the difference.

She was able to release the feeling of fear from her body and also release the negative feelings associated with several events of her life.

Healing fear of rejection with Reiki

One guy had fear of rejection that was blocking his progress in life. He had faced a failure early in his career as a sales person. He started believing that he is not capable. After the first healing session he decided to learn Reiki.

There were many positive shifts in his personality and by the time he completed the 3 basic levels of Reiki he was a confident man. Looking at the changes in him in such a short span of time, several of his friends came to learn Reiki.

So in such situations when someone as fear of some kind Reiki can help.  When people do Reiki self healing and when a Reiki Master give them Reiki energy during a session, Reiki flows through them and they start to feel relaxed. Positive feelings are developed, their chakras are charged and the fear is dissolved.

How to do Reiki to release fear

Reiki is a spiritual healing that dissolves any such fears. Once you learn Reiki you can invoke Reiki anytime and ask Reiki energy to heal of all fears. By doing your 7 chakra healing with Reiki all the fear dissolve gradually. You feel energized and confident.

If you are a Reiki Practitioner you can download this 7 chakra healing guided meditation audio from our Reiki Telegram group and listen to the audio with stereo headphones.

Do this self chakra healing for 21 days. You will start feeling better from day 1 but its better if you do it for 21 days. Sometimes it is wise to take help of experts when you are not able to come out of the problem yourself.

If you want to receive Reiki distance healing, you can get in tough with me. It will be a paid service that will help you overcome your fear completely. We will also do analysis of the root cause and a releasing session if required.

Now lets look at the benefits of Reiki...

Benefits of Reiki for fear and anxiety

  1.  Reiki balances all the chakras
  2.  Reiki energizes the person
  3.  Our 7 major chakras are balanced 
  4. The endocrines system gets balanced and functions properly
  5.  Reiki is a positive energy so it feels very positive when you do Reiki
  6. Your confidence level increases

Reiki is a very positive energy. Reiki makes you feel really positive and confident. Reiki makes you feel good, that's why people from all over the world are practicing Reiki.

Just a few minutes of a Reiki in the morning gives a very wonderful start of the day. Reiki as such can be practiced anytime during the day.

Even if Reiki is done for five minutes you will feel the difference and get immense benefits. Somebody who has such irrational fears must try Reiki healing by an expert Reiki Master.

The fear will subsides and you gain positive energy. All the negative chemicals that are released in the body due to fear will be dissolved. This is the power of  Reiki.

Releasing session and/ or Distance healing

If you are not sure of the source of the fear you can call me for a paid counseling or therapy session. During this session we will find out the root cause of the problem.

We will also release the patterns that are keeping the fear in place. You will get a recording of the session so that you can play again and release the pattern completely.

Along with this releasing session, a 21 day Reiki distance healing session has helped many people in overcoming and getting rid of various fears.

I am fortunate that I was able to help many people in living a normal life, without any kind of irrational fear. This is my passion and a natural ability, you may call it a gift of God if you wish. It gives me great joy and satisfaction.

Feel free to call or WhatsApp me on +91-9820850475

Related articles:


+Sachin Bangera

Reiki Master / Teacher

About the author: Sachin Bangera is a Reiki Master / Teacher based in Mumbai. He is the founder of
Nalanda Reiki Center. He travels extensively to spread Reiki to cities like Ahmedabad, Delhi, Dubai, Bangalore, Pune, Nashik. You can follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

21 Day Cleansing After Reiki Attunement

21 day cleansing after Reiki attunement

Reiki is one of the excellent modalities to cleanse the body and the mind. It is very  much useful to clean the waste products from the body as well as cleans the negative thoughts, feelings, emotions from the mind. It improves our own innate healing capacity. In Reiki sessions you will be introduced with the healing energy and during the 21 day cleansing cycle your healing capacity will get a boosts.

After completing each levels of Reiki Attunement, you need to go through a 21 day cleansing or healing cycle. You can feel a wonderful change after your dedicated completion of 21 day cleansing after your Reiki Attunement. It will fill your body with peace and balance.

The complete cycle of 21 day cleansing process is divided into 3 phases. Each phase is of one week or 7 days. Each phase of this cleansing cycle has different events to aid the cleansing process of your body.

1. First phase/ cycle (1st week)
Each day focuses on giving Reiki on all your chakras. First week of the cleansing process will completely focus on your physical healing. During this period you may feel flu-like symptoms like pain in different parts of your body, etc. These symptoms are not of any illness. These symptoms indicate that your body has started to clean each of your chakras. These symptoms may be slightly unpleasant for you. During this period you will not only accept these symptoms rather you will accept the cleansing energy too. So you should welcome the cleansing energy to your body with thankfulness. Find some spare time to spend for long distance walking, meditation. You can spend some time with nature, you can sit in the garden or at the bank of a river or near to a stream etc.

2.Second phase/ cycle (2nd week)
This phase is based on the purification of emotions. During this phase concentrate on building of the relationships with others. Some times this phase is some what difficult for some people as it brings some old bitter memories and old emotional scars. This phase help us to develop a strong bond of love and affections with everybody. As you allow the negative energy, bitter emotions & feelings associated to these old events to pass through your body they cease to cause physical and mental illness. So it is necessary to leave all these negative emotions and feelings. This phase will help you to get rid from the effect of the negative energies.

3.Third phase/cycle (3rd week)
This phase is meant for your spiritual cleansing. This phase help you to build a good image in your society. This is the easiest phase among all the phases of the cleansing cycle.

After the successful completion of 21 day cleansing after Reiki Attunement, the energy will enter to your body with a sudden flash. It may come in any places like temple, church, mosque or at grocery shop, class room  etc. After this incident get confirm that that loving universal energy has already entered to your body to heal you. Then you can take the guidance of your instructor how to move the energy where it should go. You can even feel the experience of watching a mini movie and this time you may feel as you are away from all the burdens of day to day life. For this convey your gratitude to this universal energy to select you to flow through to heal you.

Just note down all the good and bad emotions you have felt during this cleansing cycle. Burn that note book and make it ashes and dig it in the earth. Embrace the loving energy. Feel the peace and offer your gratitude to that universal energy.

The universal healing energy will continuously act on you on a much larger scale after this 21 day cleansing cycle.  This process will alleviate all these physical, emotional condition make you discomfort.  It will help you to get an enormous development of your physical, emotional and spiritual status.

About the Author: Dr. Priyabrata Kalikinkar Ojha

Dr. Priyabrata is a physiotherapist from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. He has completed his Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) from Utkal University, Odisha with honors in Alternative Medicines and Orthopedic Physiotherapy. He is also a Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist and life time member of Manual Therapy Foundation of India (MTFI). He has interests in writing the articles on Physiotherapy and medical conditions as well as on alternative therapies like Reiki.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Uses of Dai Ko Myo in Reiki Healing

Uses of Dai Ko Myo in Reiki Healing

Dai Ko Myo is the fourth Reiki symbol to which you are attuned during the 3rd Degree of Reiki also known as Reiki Level 3A. It is also known as the "Master" symbol. Lets look at the uses of Dai Ko Myo in Reiki Healing.

Dai Ko Myo is a powerful symbol. It is said that Dai Ko Myo has the power of all the symbols of Reiki level 2, Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

Why Dai Ko Myo is so powerful?

Because Dai Ko Myo heals you at the Spiritual level. Spiritual level is the highest level. We are spiritual beings, isn't it? So with its immense vibrational frequency, Dai Ko Myo enhances the healing of the soul.

When you are healed at the soul or spiritual level, there are positive effects at the mental and physical levels as well. So when you do spiritual level healing many other problems get solved.

Let me share with you one case study...

Some months back Sharvari approached me for Reiki distance healing for getting a job. After talking to her over the phone, I had understood that she needs healing at spiritual level.

I could see that job was her main priority. But other than that she had other goals. She wanted to get married. Get rid of a person who was troubling her in the neighborhood. Spend more time with her parents.

I told her to WhatsApp me the outcomes she wanted from the healing. Specifically, I told her to mention the kind of job she was looking for. In addition to that, I told her to mention her other goals in life.

As the healing progressed, day by day she was feeling more in charge. She got a new job in her home town so she could give more time to family. The migraine headache which she had not even mentioned to me, disappeared! In the second month she found her soul mate. 

So many things got solved which the spiritual healing she received.

The Meaning of Dai Ko Myo

Dai means great, Ko means glossy and Myo means bright light. Thus, Dai Ko Myo means 'Great Shining Light' or 'Great Enlightenment.'

Whatever we have gone through in the past or whatever we are going through in present, is the result of our karma. Since the effects of karma comes at various stages of life.

  • Some results come when you are young
  • Some results come after you get married 
  • Some results come after you have children. 
 So it is better if a person is attuned to Reiki level 3 as early in life as possible.
Using Dai Ko Myo along with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen you can help heal the karma at the soul level. This brings many positive change in the life of the 3rd degree practitioner of Reiki.

Dai Ko Myo increases the energy flow through the body and therefore it is a great immune energizer. It increases your immunity and helps to keep diseases at bay.

Dai Ko Myo almost works like a 'Homeopathic medicine' which removes the disease from the roots, without any side effects. It works at a subtle spiritual level, clearing the aura and chakras from all the blockages.

In the 3rd degree of Reiki we realize our divinity and our connection to everything and who we really are! It brings us on the correct path and closer to our purpose of life.

Dai Ko Myo strengthens the psychic and intuitive powers of the Reiki practitioner.

When we use Dai Ko Myo during Reiki healing, it brings greater and more positive outcomes. Dai Ko Myo is very effective for healing couple relationships and maintaining harmony in your family.

Dai Ko Myo can draw away negative energies from your home, workplace and from yourself too. Draw it on your chakras or on your family and friends to keep them safe.

How to charge your crystals with Dai Ko Myo

First take the crystal / stone in your left hand, cover it with your right hand and invoke Reiki. Draw Dai Ko Myo with your third eye and repeat Dai Ko Myo in your mind thrice.

Pray in mind 'all the negativity form this crystal has been removed and now I charge it for ______ (anything you are charging it for health, wealth happiness etc.)'.

Use it on the medications to reduce or nullify their side effects.

Reiki level 3

How to use Dai Ko Myo in emergency

Some situations require instant energy. For Eg.if you see an animal injured on the road while you are traveling, just imagine or say or draw  Dai Ko Myo and simply say 'Let it be healed and be pain-free.' It is not compulsory to elaborate as Reiki works for the highest good.

When you read about any calamity in the newspaper, just close your eyes, wave the magic wand (your hand) and say the incantation 'Dai Ko Myo' and make a wish. Reiki will understand your intention and then you just allow the Reiki magic to happen.

It may occur in infinite ways... maybe those struck by the disaster will get help in some unknown ways, maybe their pain reduces or something which we cannot even imagine, because the universe has boundless energies to offer!

Dai Ko Myo is used by Reiki Masters to attune symbols in their students. It enters through the crown chakra during the Reiki attunement. It reconnects us to the divinity which is undoubtedly present in all of us, which connects us to God.

Hence this symbol gives us immense powers which we can use not only for ourselves but for others and the world at large. Those who are attuned to the 3rd degree of Reiki are able to manifest whatever they want faster due to their powerful connection to the Universe.

If you have any questions, if you want to be attuned or re-attuned to Dai Ko Myo Symbol please call or WhatsApp me on 09820850475.

Sachin Bangera

Sachin is a Reiki Grand Master and Life Coach. He conducts Reiki courses in Mumbai on weekends. He has trained many students in the Master degree of Reiki. They are now together engaged in spreading Reiki in cities like Delhi, Dubai, Ahmedabad, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Nashik, Kolhapur, Nagpur, etc. He has conducted Reiki training online for students from more than 25 countries. His online Mudra Therapy course has more that 2300 students from 104 countries.

Monday 7 May 2018

Reiki Intention Slip

Reiki Intention Slip

Some time back I wrote an article on how to used the Reiki Box. The Reiki Box is a very simple technique. However, some students wanted to delve deeper and understand how to write the Reiki intention slip. So there you go!

I am happy that many students got success with the Reiki box. One student shared her success during a Reiki workshop in Mumbai. She was excited as she told us how he got success in getting a new job with the Reiki box.

Another student sent me a WhatsApp message on seeing a relationship that was important to her getting better and better.

The best part it, any one who has completed Reiki first level can use this technique. But now lets look at the questions...

One of the question I received from a student was 'how to write the statements in the Reiki intention slip?'

First of all, it's very important to note that you need to keep it very simple. You need to write down what do you want in simple language.

You need to write down what is your goal is, what is your intention is and what you want to achieve?

Reiki is an intelligent energy. So Reiki will do whatever is needed or required to help you achieve your goal. We simply you need to ask and then trust that the Reiki energy will do whats needed.

Do we need to write in present tense as if the goal is achieved? In my experience, it does not matter, as Reiki is an intelligent energy.

Now what about the big goals? Like, 'I want to be a Billionaire', etc.

We may have give some time for it to manifest in our reality. And while things are shaping up we need to keep faith in Reiki and keep thinking positive. Reiki we will do whatever is required for your highest good.

Next question comes from a Reiki practitioner in Delhi. He asked me 'do have to write the symbols'.

If you are Reiki second level practitioner then you can used them. You can energize the Reiki box with the Cho Ku Rei Symbol

If you are not, do don't worry about symbols. Even as a Reiki first degree practitioner your Reiki will be effective. In fact this is a technique for specially meant for Reiki first degree practitioners.

Reiki Second degree practitioner can also use other techniques like Reiki distance healing for their goals. So don't worry, just do whatever you required to help you manifest of goal.

Once your intention is written on the intention slip. Then once a day whenever you have
some time, do a few minutes of Reiki for whatever intentions you have put inside that Reiki box.

Now, even non Reiki practitioner, some of them might be your family members or friends can also put their Reiki intention slips into the Reiki box. You can give collectively Reiki to all the goals and intention slips.

Also do your daily meditation and you make sure you are repeating the Reiki principles as well.

Just for today, I will not get anger, I will not worry, I will be grateful for everything, I will devote myself to my work, I will be kind to everyone.

This will help you to be in a positive state of the mind.

Once you ask Reiki to work on your goals, then you just need to trust Reiki. Reiki will do whatever you need and whatever is best for you and whatever is for your highest good.

This technique has many benefits. You can manifest multiple desires of your own as well as those of your loved ones. So use this simple technique of Reiki Box for all your goals.

Go ahead and experiment. Come back to share your experience on this page. When you share
what you got from this exercise, it can help many others.

You can become a guide for others by sharing your experience. So look forward to your experiences.


+Sachin Bangera

Reiki Master / Teacher


About the author: Sachin Bangera is a Reiki Grand Master / Teacher based in Mumbai. He is the founder of Nalanda Reiki Center. He travels to many cities to spread Reiki including Ahmedabad, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Nashik, London, etc. He is a Master in Educational Psychology. He is in to corporate training as well as open workshops like Mind Power Workshop, Past Life Regression workshops, etc.. He uses most of his weekends in training Reiki Masters

Saturday 5 May 2018

Uses of Cho Ku Rei Symbol in Reiki

Uses of Cho Ku Rai Symbol in Reiki

Some time back we saw the uses of Sei Hei Ki symbol, and today, lets look at the uses of Cho Ku Rei symbol. Pronounced as 'Cho Koo Ray', the Cho Ku Rei symbol is attuned to the students during the second level of Reiki.

The meaning of  Cho Ku Rai symbol

Cho Ku Rei is a 'Power symbol' and it actually means 'Place the Power of the Universe here.'

If you break down each word of Cho Ku Rei, they represent 
  • Cho - Curved sword, like a sickle, 
  • Ku - to produce space where nothing exists and produce wholeness and 
  • Rei - the essence of unexplained mystical power.  

To sum up, 'Cho Ku Rei' creates wholeness and heals in mesmerizing ways.

This powerful symbol is also used in Martial arts and the symbol plays a major role in providing power, protection and prosperity.

It has now been proven scientifically that Energy Healers (Reiki Practitioners) emit Alpha and Theta waves through their hands. Hence, Reiki healing is not only for spiritual believers but for all those out there who believe in reasoning and facts.

Where and When can Cho Ku Rei be used?

  • Draw it in front of yourself or around yourself to make a protective shield which will protect you from all sorts of negative energies.
  • Stay worry free about the harmful preservatives in your food and beverages by drawing this power Reiki symbol over the food. It may be anytime - before or after cooking. 
  • Draw it on your food to increases the vitality of the food.
  • Prevent yourself and your family from the harmful rays of TV, Microwave, Mobile and other such gadgets by drawing Cho Ku Rei over them.
  • I use CKR for charging water with Reiki for various purposes
  • Draw it on the walls, ceilings, floor, corners, doors and windows of your home or work area to clear away all the harmful stagnant energies and purify them with positivity and abundance.
  • Draw it on your property or whenever you leave your home to keep it safe and protected.
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei over your chakras to remove the blockages from them so that they can easily receive positive energy and higher guidance.
  • The palm of our hands carries many small chakras. Hence when we draw Cho Ku Rei on our palms, it clears the blockages, activates the minor chakras and amplifies the Reiki energy. 
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei on your palm, before you take Reiki for yourself and even before you give or send Reiki to others.
  • Cho Ku Rei helps to build confidence
  • The Cho Ku Rei symbol contributes in reducing feelings of depression, anxiety, fears etc.
  • While giving touch Reiki when you use Cho Ku Rei symbol the flow of Reiki increases. I was giving Reiki to someone for chronic stomach pain and the moment I started using CKR the healing intensified and in few minutes the pain was gone.
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei on your family members or family portrait, pets and plants 
  • Protect everything you love and wish to be safe with this symbol
  • It is said that some medicines are known to have certain side effects which are harmful. Draw Cho Ku Rei on the medicines and reduce those side effects 
  • Use Cho Ku Rei to make the medicine work for you in the best way.
  • While giving Reiki for migraine headaches cho ku rai can be used to increase the flow of Reiki between your hands and get faster relief from the pain.
  • You can cleanse and charge your crystals and stones using Cho Ku Rei.
  • Cho Ku Rei used with Sei He Ki can clear and heal money related blockages, 
  • Cho Ku Rei used with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen can clear financial issue of your past and previous life as well. 
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei on your finance related things like cheques, debit/credit cards, wallets, jewellery, cupboard safe etc with an intention to create abundance.
  • Draw CKR on your Reiki box to help manifest the intentions faster.
If you are not yet attuned to second degree of Reiki, go ahead and be attuned to the power of Cho Ku Rei symbol. You can also get in touch with us for re-attunement if you have not been practising Reiki for a long time and you want to get started again.

Once you learn Reiki level 2 and you are attuned to Cho Ku Rei symbol you can use this symbol for any good purpose you desire. Every time you use it, you will learn more from your experience and get better at at. 

Want to learn Reiki level 2? 

If you have been using the Cho Ku Rei symbol in any new or innovative way, it will be nice if you could share your ideas in the comments below for the benefit of thousands of Reiki practitioners all over the world.

or Join Reiki WhatsApp Group


+Sachin Bangera

Reiki Master / Teacher


About the author: Sachin Bangera is a Reiki Master Teacher based in Mumbai. He is the founder of
Nalanda Reiki Center. He travels extensively to spread Reiki to cities like Ahmedabad, Delhi, Dubai, Bangalore, Pune, Nashik and London. 

He holds a Master degree in Psychology and is in the field of corporate training. He uses his free time to spread Reiki. You can follow him on Twitter @sachinnow 

Thursday 3 May 2018

Reiki to Improve Couple Relationships

Reiki to Improve Couple Relationships

The fast pacing world has positive as well as negative effects on couple relationships. There are more opportunities for couples to enjoy together. There are better ways to communicate. But sometimes there is still a communication gap between couples. In this post we will see how to use Reiki to improve couple relationships and fill this gap.

Recently I concluded a 21 day distance healing for a couple. The relationship had come to a point where they had stopped talking to each other. As the healing progressed things started to get better. Communication channel opened again. Due to the divine intervention of Reiki, they were able to drop their ego and feel the love they had for each other again. This is whats possible with Reiki.

Sometimes couples become so busy with work that they hardly get time to talk to each other or spend quality time with each other. During a recent Reiki course there was another student who lamented on the status of her relationship. I shared with her how to use Reiki to balance her relationship. I am going to share some of those thoughts in this post.

Can Reiki help her improve the Relationship?

It is said that focusing on the good, will always give you positive outcomes. Reiki is universal power of love and works as a multiplying factor. In any relationship, love can help you overcome both minor or major disputes. You can manifest anything with Reiki, including loving couples relationships.

Love is the most Powerful ingredient in Reiki

Begin by loving yourself. One of the ways to do that is to heal yourself with Reiki. Disregard your flaws and appreciate the sweetness of your heart. Make a mental list of all the things you like about yourself and the things that truly make you happy. 

Be grateful for your health, wealth and happiness now, and start giving Reiki to the 'Ideal you'. When you will be attracted to yourself, others will too! The change brought about by Reiki self healing will reflect in your health and body, and also in your aura. You will start emitting even more positive vibrations of love. Yes, "Love" is indeed so powerful!

Cleanse yourself with Reiki daily

Heal yourself on a regular basis so that you are not only in balance with the energies but also prevent yourself from any negative ones entering your chakras. If your husband or wife returns home from work in a bad mood, Reiki will help you to be calm and handle the situation peacefully.

Make a list of all that you love about your partner. Example: "I love when my husband lends his hands to help in household work". As simple as that! It is just a simple line but there are so many hidden emotions in it - love, care, equality, passion, understanding and so on. 

Make a note of such positive things you adore in your partner and be grateful. (Read how Positive thoughts can help you.) Even while writing them down, you'll feel your emotions are changing to positive ones. Give Reiki to this list.

Rule out the odds

Nobody is perfect and thus you cannot expect your partner to be perfect for you, just as you are not perfect. After you meditate with Reiki, ask the higher powers of Reiki for guidance. 

Let go of your ego, complaints, dissatisfaction, jealousy, etc and keep an open mind. Reiki helps in clearing all the blockages from your chakras and heals on an overall level. So if you want your wife to be understanding, be understanding yourself. And you shall receive what you give!

Send Reiki rays of love to the person

When you send distance Reiki with the emotions of love, its intensity increases to a great extent.

  • Method 1 for Reiki 1st degree practitioners: Pick up any object that reminds you of your partner. It can be a gift that she gifted you, it may be your photo together or any other thing which for you symbolizes love and with all your heart send Reiki to it. 
  • Method 2 for Reiki 2nd degree practitioners: While you are sending Reiki imagine all the wonderful moments with your partner, may it be from past or present or even the way you want it to be in future. Once you are a second degree Reiki practitioner, your Reiki healing has no limitation of time, space or distance. 

You can use the Sei He Ki symbol to bring harmony, balance and love in your relationship. As you continue to do healing at a higher level, you will definitely begin to notice your relationship becoming strong and more loving.

If you are attuned to the symbols of 3rd degree of Reiki early in life, you are less likely to have troubled relationships because you are healed at the highest spiritual level. Recommend everyone to complete Reiki 3rd degree course as early in life as possible. If you do it before you get married, its better. Otherwise do it before you have children. In not, before they grow up and get married. This is because, the effects of Karma come in stages.

Wishing lots of Reiki love and wishes your way, stay blessed!

If you would like to share your experience for the benefit for other Reiki practitioners, please do leave your comments below...

+Sachin Bangera


Sachin Bangera is a Reiki Master Teacher and holds Masters degree in Educational and Counseling Psychology. His mission is to have a Reiki practitioner in every home on this planet by 2022 in collaboration with Reiki Masters all over the world. He has trained and developed more than 16 Reiki Masters in Delhi, Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Dubai and Australia. He conducts Reiki courses in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai as well as online Reiki courses.