Thursday 3 March 2016

Reiki Courses in Goa

Reiki Courses in Goa

Reiki has been an exciting inner journey for me. Reiki takes me to exciting destinations every month and this time its Goa! I will be conducting Reiki courses in Goa in September.

We will be having a Reiki Retreat for Reiki Practitioners and many students are traveling with me to Goa. You are welcome to join us if you are from Mumbai or any other nearby city! I will be fun to learn Reiki in a relaxing place like Goa.

Schedule of Reiki courses in Goa is as follows

  • Reiki 1st degree course - 22nd September 
  • Reiki 2nd degree course - 23rd September
  • Reiki 3rd degree course - 24th September
  • Reiki Master degree course - 25th September
  • Reiki Grand Master degree course - 26th September 

Click here to Register for Reiki Courses in Goa!

Reiki First degree course

The Reiki Level 1 techniques are focused on healing at physical level. There is no prerequisite for this course. In this course you will explore the history of Reiki. You will understand the divine nature of Reiki energy.

You will learn how Reiki works, the Reiki hand positions and how to use Reiki to be more positive, boost your immune system and many other things.

You will introduced to the five Reiki principles. You will learn how to use Reiki to heal yourself and how to give Reiki to others.

  • Students will receive: 
    • Reiki Level 1 Manual 
    • 1st Degree Attunement 
    • Reiki Certification for level 1

Reiki Second degree course

During this I will also do a short review of Reiki first degree so that the students will get an opportunity to recall their first experience with Reiki. It helps when you relive all that you learnt before.

With this strong foundation we will enter the 2nd degree course. Once students know how Reiki feels like and have had sufficient practice they are ready to now direct Reiki with their mind to heal any person, group or situation in life.

I welcome all Reiki healers in Goa who are interested in refreshing the course with me to join this course because there is always something new to learn.

I will be teaching a 7 minute exercise that increases our Reiki energy considerably and enhances our healing ability.

I will answer all questions related to Reiki symbols and teach the right way to use Reiki symbols for self healing, healing others and distance healing.

Reiki Third degree course

I will be conducting Reiki 3rd degree course as per schedule given above. In this course students will learn how to heal at the spiritual level, heal your karmas and become aglined to your life purpose.  After this course many students experience that the direction of their life has changed for the better.

I can not stress this fact more that students must practice regularly and complete the Reiki 3rd degree course because when you get healed at spiritual level many problems at mental, emotional and physical level just disappear automatically.

After you are attuned to Reiki 3rd degree and as you practice the techniques you will become more and more aligned to your true purpose in life and you life gets easier, healthier and happier. This is my personal experience and also of many of my students.

Reiki Master Degree Course

This course is for those who have practices all the techniques learned Reiki 1st, 2nd and 3rd Degree course. Check out more details of Reiki Master Degree Course here.

My mission is to spread Reiki to all corners of the world and Goa is such a beautiful place. Its an ideal place to learn Reiki in a relaxed environment.

Reiki Grand Master Degree Course

I even invite Reiki Masters in Goa who have been teaching Reiki for quite some time and have taught Reiki to a number of students for this course. You will learn how to attain the highest state of spirituality. You will learn how to effectively teach the Reiki Master degree course and accelerate the spread of Reiki on this planet.

This is all I intend to do during this visit to Goa. I will be conducting a Mind Power Workshop. This is a different concept but very useful. Those who would like to learn this technique are welcome. You can then practice the techniques till you master them. Then in my next visit I can help you conduct the same workshop for your students too. I want more and more people to learn Mind Power because it is very helpful.

Who would not like to learn Reiki in Goa? Even people who live in other cities would love to travel to Goa and learn Reiki in a peaceful relaxing environment.

To register please feel free to email me or WhatsApp me on (+91)-9820850475.

+Sachin Bangera
Reiki Master / Teacher
Nalanda Reiki Center