How to do Reiki for Releasing Anger
Hello to my dear Reiki practitioners. This is Zeny with yet another hot topic related to Reiki - 'How to do Reiki for releasing anger?'
Many times students want to learn how to control their anger with Reiki. I have seen many people transform themselves with the help of Reiki.
Reiki for Anger Management
- Are you a person who loses your cool easily?
- Have you been troubled by short temper in your life?
- Do you encounter that you feel agitated at the drop of a hat?
If answers to all these statements are yes...then this article is a must read for you :)
Before we begin lets quickly understand...
What is anger or Why do we feel angry?
Anger is a natural emotion that is used to express our non conformity or displeasure towards something viz. a situation, an idea, a decision etc.
When something doesn’t go as planned or is different from what we might have expected, its very natural to feel angry or agitated.
Take 2 minutes and try to recall the common reactions to these situations:
- Parents, when their kids misbehave or perform poorly in exams
- Bosses when the employees don’t meet deadlines
- A pet lover on seeing someone hitting stray animals
- When things go haywire and not as planned?
The natural tendency for most of us in these situations would be losing our temper and getting angry.
So the question is...
Is Anger bad for us?
Just like other emotions, anger too is an emotion. It should be felt and not suppressed. However the idea is to not hold onto it and dwell on it.
Anger should be managed effectively so that it doesn't create an imbalance inside of us. Anger, if held on, pollutes our body. It blocks our chakras which are the main energy centers of our body.
And may even cause physical problems like headache, digestion problems, insomnia, increased anxiety, and depression, high blood pressure, skin problems, heart attack, stroke etc.
Sometimes it may lead us to make poor choices which we might regret later. It may damage relationships. Excess anger may even lead to violence.
Reiki to control anger
Let’s say you are extremely angry and may even feel that you might get out of control. So what should one do?
- The best way is to take a step backward.... try walking out of the situation temporarily until you cool down.
- Try finding out the reasons for your anger and try to eliminate them.
- Repeat the Reiki principles... Save this Reiki 5 principles video in your playlist...
It is therefore suggested that anger should be expressed in healthy way. The idea is to... Feel: Act: Release: Repeat
How is Reiki helpful in controlling our anger?
Reiki is all about unconditional love. When we practice Reiki daily, we can become free of anger. The five principles of Reiki also include 'Just for today I will let go of anger.'
Anger accumulates in our body if suppressed for a longer time thus creating havoc on our physical and mental health.
How can we remove accumulated anger?
When anger is suppressed on past events and people; just lock yourself in a room and if you have completed Reiki level 1, start healing your chakras.
Heal the chakra that is taking more energy till the energy flow stops. If you have completed Reiki level 2, heal the event and all people involved with distance Reiki till you feel empty inside.
Continue to do Reiki for few days till you are able let it go all the accumulated anger. End each session by forgiving yourself and others as this will help release any leftover feelings which are causing you anger.
How to control occasional anger with Reiki
For people who get angry sometimes you need to practice Reiki self healing daily and recite the Reiki principles morning and evening while meditating or while doing Reiki.
This will help you be aware of your thoughts, feeling and emotions and faclitate letting go of your anger.
Remind yourself several times dding the day that just for today I will not get angry, along with other Reiki principles.
When you are spiritually grounded & balanced you are less likely to get angry and you become proactive.
Reiki to control anger in social situations
When you are going to a job or living in joint family or you are in a situation where you know that there are difference of opinions and you are prone to get angry.
Just before starting your day remind yourself that today I will not get angry. I forgive them.
Prepare yourself that how would you react in certain situation.
When all this is practiced with devotion and self discipline, anger management becomes extremely simple and opens up doors to a better you, a calmer you and makes your life worthwhile.
I hope you this article was useful to you and can help you with anger issues.
Maybe you can relate this with what's going on in your life. Feel free to ask questions or share with me your situation by commenting below.
If you would like to receive guidance through Reiki or you need some counseling or you have any questions you can also reach me through WhatsApp on +91 9998527120.
Zeny Adesara
Reiki Master Teacher
About Zeny Adesara:
Zeny Adesara is a Reiki Master who hails from Gandhidham. A CA inter by profession, her passion for healing and helping individuals propelled her journey into becoming a professional Reiki healer. She has been practicing Reiki for over 10 years. Reiki Energy has helped her rediscover true sense of inner harmony and balance and she wishes to help others achieve the same. As a Reiki Master she aspires to empower every individual with the power to heal themselves and bring about a positive change in their lives. You may reach her on WhatsApp 9998527120 / Instagram @zeny1122
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