Saturday 5 May 2018

Uses of Cho Ku Rei Symbol in Reiki

Uses of Cho Ku Rai Symbol in Reiki

Some time back we saw the uses of Sei Hei Ki symbol, and today, lets look at the uses of Cho Ku Rei symbol. Pronounced as 'Cho Koo Ray', the Cho Ku Rei symbol is attuned to the students during the second level of Reiki.

The meaning of  Cho Ku Rai symbol

Cho Ku Rei is a 'Power symbol' and it actually means 'Place the Power of the Universe here.'

If you break down each word of Cho Ku Rei, they represent 
  • Cho - Curved sword, like a sickle, 
  • Ku - to produce space where nothing exists and produce wholeness and 
  • Rei - the essence of unexplained mystical power.  

To sum up, 'Cho Ku Rei' creates wholeness and heals in mesmerizing ways.

This powerful symbol is also used in Martial arts and the symbol plays a major role in providing power, protection and prosperity.

It has now been proven scientifically that Energy Healers (Reiki Practitioners) emit Alpha and Theta waves through their hands. Hence, Reiki healing is not only for spiritual believers but for all those out there who believe in reasoning and facts.

Where and When can Cho Ku Rei be used?

  • Draw it in front of yourself or around yourself to make a protective shield which will protect you from all sorts of negative energies.
  • Stay worry free about the harmful preservatives in your food and beverages by drawing this power Reiki symbol over the food. It may be anytime - before or after cooking. 
  • Draw it on your food to increases the vitality of the food.
  • Prevent yourself and your family from the harmful rays of TV, Microwave, Mobile and other such gadgets by drawing Cho Ku Rei over them.
  • I use CKR for charging water with Reiki for various purposes
  • Draw it on the walls, ceilings, floor, corners, doors and windows of your home or work area to clear away all the harmful stagnant energies and purify them with positivity and abundance.
  • Draw it on your property or whenever you leave your home to keep it safe and protected.
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei over your chakras to remove the blockages from them so that they can easily receive positive energy and higher guidance.
  • The palm of our hands carries many small chakras. Hence when we draw Cho Ku Rei on our palms, it clears the blockages, activates the minor chakras and amplifies the Reiki energy. 
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei on your palm, before you take Reiki for yourself and even before you give or send Reiki to others.
  • Cho Ku Rei helps to build confidence
  • The Cho Ku Rei symbol contributes in reducing feelings of depression, anxiety, fears etc.
  • While giving touch Reiki when you use Cho Ku Rei symbol the flow of Reiki increases. I was giving Reiki to someone for chronic stomach pain and the moment I started using CKR the healing intensified and in few minutes the pain was gone.
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei on your family members or family portrait, pets and plants 
  • Protect everything you love and wish to be safe with this symbol
  • It is said that some medicines are known to have certain side effects which are harmful. Draw Cho Ku Rei on the medicines and reduce those side effects 
  • Use Cho Ku Rei to make the medicine work for you in the best way.
  • While giving Reiki for migraine headaches cho ku rai can be used to increase the flow of Reiki between your hands and get faster relief from the pain.
  • You can cleanse and charge your crystals and stones using Cho Ku Rei.
  • Cho Ku Rei used with Sei He Ki can clear and heal money related blockages, 
  • Cho Ku Rei used with Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen can clear financial issue of your past and previous life as well. 
  • Draw Cho Ku Rei on your finance related things like cheques, debit/credit cards, wallets, jewellery, cupboard safe etc with an intention to create abundance.
  • Draw CKR on your Reiki box to help manifest the intentions faster.
If you are not yet attuned to second degree of Reiki, go ahead and be attuned to the power of Cho Ku Rei symbol. You can also get in touch with us for re-attunement if you have not been practising Reiki for a long time and you want to get started again.

Once you learn Reiki level 2 and you are attuned to Cho Ku Rei symbol you can use this symbol for any good purpose you desire. Every time you use it, you will learn more from your experience and get better at at. 

Want to learn Reiki level 2? 

If you have been using the Cho Ku Rei symbol in any new or innovative way, it will be nice if you could share your ideas in the comments below for the benefit of thousands of Reiki practitioners all over the world.

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+Sachin Bangera

Reiki Master / Teacher


About the author: Sachin Bangera is a Reiki Master Teacher based in Mumbai. He is the founder of
Nalanda Reiki Center. He travels extensively to spread Reiki to cities like Ahmedabad, Delhi, Dubai, Bangalore, Pune, Nashik and London. 

He holds a Master degree in Psychology and is in the field of corporate training. He uses his free time to spread Reiki. You can follow him on Twitter @sachinnow 

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have also learned reiki 1 and 2 and violet flame energy I have had few good changes .I wanted to use in my wallet could u tell me how to go ahead with it.thanks
