Saturday 23 November 2013

Using Reiki to Heal Addictions

Can Reiki heal addictions?

Can Reiki heal addiction of eating, drinking alcohol, smoking, watching TV, chewing tobacco, taking drugs, etc? The answer is that Reiki can help speed up the recovery process when used in conjunction with other treatment methods.

There have been cases where Reiki practitioners have naturally given up a number of addictions as they progressed in Reiki. I have a student who was working in an Ad Agency as a copywriter. He got addicted to smoking, etc.

He came to learn Reiki from me when he had difficulties in his job due to stress. He was taking a weekly Reiki healing session and side by side learning the Reiki system.

By the time he completed Reiki second degree he on longer felt the need to depend on outside substances to feel relaxed and stress free.

There are many such students. These individuals were not intending to use Reiki to treat their addiction. That was not the focus at all. It was a positive side effect.

Reiki For Alcohol Addiction

Manoj was a young Engineer who wanted to learn Reiki for spiritual growth. He had some other purpose in mind but he did not disclose to me during the first degree course.

When he came for Reiki second degree course he shares that he was addicted to alcohol. He said he never missed his Reiki practice. As he continued his daily Reiki self treatment he felt less and less dependent on alcohol.

Usually he would spend his evenings with friends but during the 21 day cleansing period he spent his evenings in healing family members. He was touched by this experience.

After his Reiki level 2 he started coming to our Reiki center on weekends to heal others and help the new students. By the time he completed his Reiki level 3 he was a transformed man. He had introduced Reiki to many of his friends.

His wife was amazed by his healing. Since many years she was having back pain which started after she delivered her second baby. Her back pain had disappeared.

Some Reiki Masters feel instead of using Reiki for addiction treatment we should learn Reiki to clean, balance and energize the chakras and grow spiritually.

As a by product there will be many accomplishments for the Reiki practitioner including becoming free from addiction food, sex, sleep, nicotine, etc.

The reason Reiki heals addictions automatically is that when you practice Reiki daily, you de-stress your body, mind and spirit. You feel centered, in control and full of energy all day long. You are able to deal with the challenges and demands of life more effectively.

You start focusing on the important goals of your life. When you focus on health, on spiritual growth, on your job and responsibilities you naturally have less and less time for addictions.

Another way Reiki can help with addiction is in dealing with withdrawal symptoms. Just the gentle healing hands of Reiki can make headaches, pains, etc. disappear in minutes by bringing an energy balance in your body.

I have done Reiki distance healing to someone who undergoing treatment in a drug rehabilitation center. This individual shared with me that he got immense strength in dealing with this situation the moment he started taking Reiki.

Learning Reiki can go a long way in stopping the downward spiral of addiction. It will make the person mentally strong and increase his or her will power.

Reiki Principles

Daily recitation of the Reiki principles will make your self talk positive and make you more self aware. This self awareness helps you catch any negative thought that arises in your mind during the day and lets you release it and replace it with positive thoughts. This can speed up the recovery considerably.

One of the best way to help yourself is by helping others. Reiki can heal addictions faster when you give Reiki treatment to others.

To start with if you have not taken Reiki first Degree, you can do so and start giving Reiki to your loved ones, friends and extended family members. This will help you socialize more and get your focus on others.

Continue to take any medication that is prescribed by the physician. Stay in touch with your Reiki Master. Keep learning. Ask question. Keep him updated about your progress.

Attend all Reiki events. Take the Reiki second degree training. Practice Reiki every morning and evening. This will help you in multiple ways.

If you have any questions related to Reiki and if you need my support in using Reiki to treat an addiction I will be happy to assist you. You can call or WhatsApp me on 9820850475

About the Author: +Sachin Bangera

Sachin is a Reiki Grand Master from Mumbai. His mission is to spread Reiki through his Reiki blog, Reiki workshops and Reiki Teachers. He holds a Masters degree in Educational and Counseling Psychology. As a certified Master Coach he has help many people in achieving important goals in life.

He is committed to spreading Reiki and create health, wealth and happiness for everyone he comes in contact with. He can be contacted on +91 9820850475 for Reiki Training for individuals, groups or companies.

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