Friday 31 January 2020

Reiki for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Reiki for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Recently I come across a case of obsessive compulsive disorder in young man named Alex. His parents are very concerned. They have been taking different kinds of treatment for this problem but there is little progress. Someone told them to try distance Reiki and recommended them to me to explore this natural healing modality.

As always, I told them to continue the medication and treatment that they have been giving him as usual while we give Reiki treatment on weekly basis along with daily distance healing. 

On his first visit I took the time to understand Alex and the problem he is facing. I also wanted to understand the cause of the problem. 
During the initial counseling I discovered that the symptoms of OCD seems to have started during his college days. They coincide with certain events that culminated into a breakup with his girlfriend. 

The thoughts related to these events have not been allowing him to have a good sleep at night. Due to these thoughts his normal functioning during the day had also been disturbed. 

The effects of Reiki on OCD 

After starting the healing process in the following days of the week, the quality of his sleep gradually started improving. 

During the weekly healing session she could feel the flow of energy. It was a feeling of warmth and relaxation for him. It gave him lot of comfort and peace. 

He started opening up more during the counseling sessions. This help me in discovering one of his limiting belief 'I am not  capable'. This belief has manifested in various ways in his life. I am working on dismantling this belief with releasing technique and NLP.

His obsessive compulsive behavior is related to cleanliness and touch. There are other repetitive behavior which I believe stem from his repetitive thought patterns. 

He badly resists these thoughts and has developed certain repetitive behaviors in an attempt to negate those thoughts. Over time he has become obsessive about those behaviors. 

How to heal OCD with Reiki and other natural healing modalities

Every individual is unique. Reiki healing can be helpful for everyone. I would suggest a weekly counseling and Reiki healing session along with daily Reiki distance healing to everyone who is suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder.

Based on the needs of the individual there will be a lot of variation in the treatment given to different people. One of the things I avoid doing is labeling the person as having OCD.

In the case of this young man Alex, I have given some positive affirmations to overcome obsessive compulsive disorder. Although I have designed this affirmations for the use of this individual others might find these affirmations useful.

Affirmations for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  • I am feeling more and more peaceful with the passing of each day.
  • I am feeling strong and confident.
  • I can handle any situation that arises in life.
  • I have complete trust in the universe.
  • I am the child of the universe and I am protected in all ways. 
  • I allow others to help me.
  • My family loves me and cares for me.
  • I let go of the past and look forward to the future.
  • I love myself unconditionally.
  • I feel happy as I remember the good times of my life.
  • I approach new situations with openness and curiosity.
  • I love listening to music and music heals me deeply.
  • I am calm and peaceful in all situations.
  • I am aware of my breath and as I note the incoming and outgoing breath it starts to flow easily and naturally making me calm inside. 
  • I easily let go of negative feelings by relaxing the muscles of my body. 
  • I am safe and secure with family and friends around me. 
  • Every muscle of my body is relaxed.
  • I am fearless because my family is with me. 
  • I feel good about sharing with family and friends. It makes me feel light. 
  • I love meeting people and being in nature. 
  • I feel safe and comfortable in groups.
  • I love talking to people and I am open to different points of views. 
  • I am good in interacting with others at home and at work. 
  • I am open and grateful for the feedback I get from others. 
  • I am willing to change myself and I acknowledge the positive changes taking place in me. 
  • The more I relax and let go the more I feel the freedom from repetitive patterns.
  • Let go of urges to do something repeatedly by taking deep breaths. 
  • I am creating new behaviour patterns that make me feel more positive.
  • I love remembering happy and peaceful moments.
  • I feel clean and positive with the white light of Reiki surrounding me on all sides. 
  • I love listening to positive affirmations as I absorb them in my subconscious. 
  • I love reading self help books and attending course for my self growth. 
  • When I wake up in the morning I feel renewed due to the Reiki healing I have received. 
  • Each day I broken negative thought and behaviour patterns and create positive ones.
  • I have the ability to create new thought and behaviour patterns with ease. 
  • I love and accept myself with my special talents,  gifts and abilities and even accept my imperfections lovingly.

All those who wish to have a personal one to one session to design affirmations based on their individual needs can whatsApp me book the session. 

Although Reiki is my most preferred healing modality, depending on the situation and the needs of the individual I use other natural healing modalities which may be helpful to them in solving the problem.

In helping this young man, I have used crystal healing, positive affirmations, neuro linguistic programming, releasing technique, Accupressure and Sujok along with Reiki.

I will update this page with more information as the treatment progresses. Meanwhile if you are a Reiki Practitioner or Reiki Master and you have done healing for persons having OCD problem please share your experience in the comments below or contact me on WhatsApp. Those who wish to publish articles on Reiki on this blog can also contact me.

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+Sachin Bangera


About Sachin Bangera: He is a Master in Educational and Counseling Psychology. He is a soft skills trainer and a Reiki Master Teacher. He has trained and developed more than 15 Reiki Masters in Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai, Dubai, Canada, Australia and many more countries. He is a gifted tarot card reader and a Mind Power Trainer.

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