Thursday 16 December 2021

Law of Attraction Affirmations for Success

 Law of Attraction Affirmations for Success

Read these Law of Attraction Affirmations for Success:

  1. I always think positive 
  2. I attract positive people and situations because I always think and feel positive
  3. I get success because I think what I want and 
  4. I take massive action to achieve what I want
  5. I am open to miracles so I experience miracles everyday
  6. I say yes to opportunities that come my way
  7. I am divinely inspired
  8. I am creating new levels of success in my life every year
  9. I am the child of the universe 
  10. The universe takes care of my needs so I am free of worries
  11. I know that the universe is working on my I dreams 
  12. I know something is happening behind the scenes even when it seems that nothing is happening
  13. I am confident about my abilities 
  14. I believe in the law of attraction
  15. I have complete trust on the Universe
  16. Law of Attraction is working for me
  17. I send love and gratitude to the universe and the universe send me gifts and blessings in return
  18. I am grateful for all the people, money and possessions I have in life
  19. I love and accept myself the way I am
  20. I have forgiven everyone for whatever they are sad or done in the past
  21. I have wonderful relationships at home and at work 
  22. I have a wonderful friend circle
  23. I attract people with positive vibrations 
  24. I am emotionally balanced 
  25. I feel loved and spiritually connected
  26. I am happy and grateful to the Universe for bringing wonderful people in my life 
  27. People around me help me become healthier and happier
  28. I am contributing to people in my life
  29. I support guide and inspire everyone who comes in my life
  30. I feel good when I think about my investments and the Universe gives me more
  31. I am getting income from multiple sources
  32. I celebrate by success with my loved ones and friends
  33. I share my joy and happiness with others and it multiplies
  34. I am feeling grounded, satisfied and joyous
  35. I am enjoying every moment of life
  36. Law of attraction is natural to me 
  37. My positive thoughts  bring more success in my life
  38. I am aligned to my life purpose 
  39. I am living my dream life
  40. I thank the Universe for everything
Do this Law of attraction meditation for your most important goal and see the magic

Hope you found this useful. 

If you have a favourite law of attraction affirmation do share in the comments.


Sachin Bangera
Reiki Grand Master
Nalanda Reiki Center
Mumbai, India
Mobile - 9820850475

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